Wednesday, January 25, 2012

So, in 2011 I adopted the idea to have a "theme word" or key concept for each year.  I had a lot on my agenda, I wanted to do and be so much and so many things, and as I thought on it, the word that came to me was "Power*Full".  I achieved all I set out to do in 2011, sometimes in ways that were surprisingly challenging and allowed forced allowed me to grow.

I've been thinking a lot, an undercurrent running just below the surface, about my word for 2012.  A word that I have adopted about much of what I want to embody is "Grace." I considered making this my word for 2012.  But this word is much more than a theme for one year; it is a theme I want to carry through my life.  I don't want to confine it or falsely limit it to one year, and then think "OK, I've 'done' grace."  I think because...well, to me, 'grace' feels more like a constant state of becoming.

I'm still not 100% set.  There is no finish line, but I think I would like to make a selection by Valentine's Day (just an arbitrarily chosen date in the not-too-distant future).  Would you help?  I'll tell you the two words that are in top contention, and you can tell me what you think.

First - I wanted to choose a word that represents my desire to accept failure and keep trying, to continue to grow in ways that may be uncomfortable (the best and biggest growth often is, after all!). 
I thought about 'ADVENTURE' as the word.  I have so much fun with adventure, whether it be far afield (a recent trip to New York City rocked my world!) or close to home (my first adventure into the realm of belly dancing vis-a-vis a class at the Y last night was SO FUN).   I have just been traveling so much lately, and I'm a homebody at heart, and I'm also a little worried about the other possible things that can result from 'adventure' - usually from a place of complete unexpectedness... I'm not sure that I want to ask for a whole year of "ADVENTURE"!!

The second word I'm considering is 'RESILIENCE'.  As I think on it, it speaks to all kinds of flexibility, and a release of rigidity.  This theme is resonating with me (see my recent post on Control).  The thing that worries me a bit about resilience is that it seems to carry a connotation of strife.  I definitely don't want to invite strife into my life!

I guess all words are two sides to a coin.  What do you think?  Is there a word that more perfectly fits one, or both, of these ideas?  Do you love one or the other of my candidates?  I love feedback (I do, however, hate trolls, so check your negativity at the door when you're visiting with me, mmmkaay?).

Do you use the idea of a power word?  Does the idea interest you?

I'd like to thank one of my favorite 'virtual' friends, Joy Tanksley, for prompting me to think about this again today and write about it here.  There may even be a vision board in my future.  My gosh, that just sounds luscious, don't you think?


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